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eXpertLocal: What are we trying to do?
The amount of creative artists, small business owners, soloists looking for inventive ways to fund their lifestyle, locals who want to preserve their lifestyle and students trying to make ends meet as they fall under the crush of Sydney’s high rent is phenomenal.
On the other side of the coin, there are people who love discovering new things in their city, want to be able to go out without it costing an arm and a leg, who have friends who aren’t always willing to be adventurous and try new things, who are looking to see live music based on recommendation, and want to genuinely love this city of ours.So why is getting both sides of the fence so difficult?
We’ve heard a lot of nervous whispers from people about how collaborative consumption is a lovely theory but doesn’t work well in practice. We’ve also faced off with the high profile closures of a few other sites in the same arena that were gaining more traction. This plus our own insecurities and worries, it’s a wonder we’re still here. But we are. And the reason why is very, very simple.This is a problem worth solving
Anyone who has walked down Oxford street recently will see what happens if we don’t support local businesses. Things fall away. Every single gap toothed window with a For Lease or For Sale sign was someone’s dream and livelihood- from the building owner to person with the idea for the shop and their staff- has lost out because for whatever reason, it wasn’t sustainable.
Dreamers like the eXpertLocal team wonder:
“What would have happened if there was a giant online marketplace where you could go to discover those shops?”
“What would happen if someone ran eating, drinking or shopping tours through Darlinghurst or Paddington?”
“What if each business had the opportunity to create different events and experiences that separated them from the competition?”
“What would happen if the audiences for those businesses felt like taking a risk on the area, safe in the knowledge they had a local’s knowledge?”
The truth of the matter is, whether you are talking about the shops or the dining on Oxford street, or you’re talking about the small bars that are popping up in Redfern, Surry Hills and Newtown, Sydney’s live music scene, bringing people to suburbs they don’t know or promoting community events that benefit locals, the situation is pretty much the same.
eXpertLocal is a big online marketplace designed to attract people who want to try something different. For free or paid, food or fun, it doesn’t really matter.We work with you
eXpertLocal is a new business and we’re learning as we go along, too. As such, we will work with you to craft events and activities that work for you. If you need help, ask. It’s what we’re here for.
The basic premise behind eXpertLocal is Jervis was inspired to see the amazing cuisine around the world and wonder where that discovery comes from, how the more authentic travel experience can be fostered, and how we can learn a little about each other through experiencing what each of us holds dear.
Bek was attracted to that idea because she knew just how much things can change when you give a community something to attach to, believe in and interact with through her own project, My Redfern Rocks. She’s also got a vested interest in fostering a creative scene for Sydney that is lively and strong, considering she’s a writer, artist and music lover.
Scott is a bit of an entrepreneur, and believes eXpertlocal is an opportunity for those with a hidden talent and passion waiting to be explored. Being a living example with Art Crawl, he wants to give the next person an opportunity to live their dream and make money from it. Scott’s out consistently hustling and finding the next person, maybe it could be you.We can’t do this without you
The success of eXpertLocal depends on YOU supporting us. How can you do that?♦ Host an experience of your own
♦ Share the experiences we have with your friends
♦ Read, share and comment on our blog
♦ Join the conversation via Facebook and Twitter
♦ Suggest tours you’d like to see via support@expertlocal.com
♦ Introduce us to people you think would make great hosts via support@expertlocal.com
♦ Give us feedback so we know what works and what doesn’t via support@expertlocal.comBecause at the end of the day, this is about you shaping the eXpertLocal you want to see. So anything you offer that aids in the process is OK by us!
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