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eXpertLocal wants to help entrepreneurs, adventurers and self starters

As members of the Sydney startup scene, the team at eXpertLocal know firsthand how hard it can be when you first start out.
And we also know from the events we attend, the time we spend on the internet and the sheer amount of new and interesting things popping up in this beautiful city of ours, that there is a lot of super brilliant ideas that simply aren’t gaining the coverage they should.
So we want to change that.

Not just a platform to book things on
As a platform designed for events and activities, eXpertLocal gives any of you a unique way of testing out your idea before making huge financial investments in your own website, storefront or venue outlay. You can test your idea with an audience and see if it can gain traction.
As we’ve mentioned previously, we think this is a problem worth solving.
We’re trying to change big gaps in window fronts in Oxford street as much as we are attempting to excite Sydney siders about what is new. We want to aid in the discovery of Artisan craftspeople and small business owners trying to differentiate what they offer with unique ideas. We want to support people doing their own events through to market holders wondering if they should take the leap to retail, to change makers and creatively minded people looking for new ways to reach their audience.
At eXpertLocal, we’ve seen quite a few people trying to do their own thing. And we’re also living this as well as a startup. And so, we’ve decided if we’re going to be able to help you, and ourselves, we need to do things a little differently.

More support for you, your dream and the Sydney scene
We’ve always offered ourselves as a booking platform calling ourselves an experience marketplace, but we have come to realise this is not enough. As a team, we’ve pulled together and racked our brain (and scribbled on an awful lot of butcher’s paper in the process!) to identify what the best value and best possible support eXpertLocal can offer.
So we’re taking the bull by the horns, and becoming an experience marketplace in as many senses as our small team can offer. This includes:

  • Personally workshopping and writing your experiences for you
  • Providing marketing support and content advice to help you promote your experience (and your idea)
  • Including PR in the mix- and promoting you along with us
  • Holding events on a monthly basis so you can not only find out what it’s like to be a host, but also meet other hosts (current and potential) in the process
  • Bringing together all the kinds of wonderful and interesting events we find so more people can discover them

One hell of an awesome freebie
If you look at it this way, our team will be personally helping you to discover if your idea works, helping you market and promote it, providing you coverage in specialist and mainstream media- and removing headaches like building your own site or only pushing it through channels you know. All of which is covered in the 15% we charge on successfully booked tickets. Meaning if things don’t work out, you’ve received a lot of support, assistance, coverage and the ability to test your idea without spending any money.
And if it does work, it’s a fee well worth it (and still a lot cheaper than what you would pay independently).
We understand the pain of starting a dream, working on a new idea and trying to reach an entire audience. Don’t go through the motions yourself, learn with us and get a leg up towards a successful journey to the finish line.
We’ve now got a dedicated PR person working with a dedicated marketing and customer relations person looking to give you a super leg up- so drop us a line via
Join our MeetUp group and join us to find out how to become a host.
Or book an experience workshop direct with Rebekah
What have you got to lose? Get serious about seeing if your idea works and get on today!


Make new friends, meet interesting people and uncover the things that make a place special with eXpertLocal! Join in the fun of existing tours or host your own today.

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